TopHack Intelligence

Be one step ahead

Uncover never before seen stories

for journalists

Hundreds of data sources at your fingertips

Our catalog consists of hundreds of curated data sources tailored to specific industries. You can instantaneously access any of them from our workspace, take notes, organize findings to write your next big story.

Sources for answers are always indicated. You can also bring your own data.

Superpowers for reading

Sometimes data is hidden in plain sight but surrounded with such a large amount of text which nobody has time to read. The state-of-the-art language models we use can read hundreds of pages in a blink of an eye for you and extract pieces of information most relevant to your request.

Connect the dots

for investigators

A living canvas

Organize your findings into entities (persons, organizations, etc.). Our workspace is a living canvas where you can not only visualize the connections between them, but continuously expand your research.

Assistant on your side

Take advantage of our AI capabilities to help you find connections between entities, and suggest new sources of information.

Be one step ahead

for politics

Knowledge is power

It may be hard to find, but the internet never forgets. Our tools and custom tailored data sources can help you find and understand information about your opponents, their strategies, and their weaknesses.

Instant feedback on current topics

Use our real-time data source to read through thousands of comments, articles, and social media posts to understand the public opinion on a topic.

Media coverage

With our next generation of alerts, our automated systems can not only read but understand news and reactions, and alert you on specific topics and conditions.